I founded Lesateq back in 1997. That is quite a while ago... But actually I have been around in Broadcast, Telecoms and Media about ten years longer.  Back in 1986
I did enter the world of Broadcast by
starting my first job at a small postproduction company in Hilversum as a video & audio engineer ('trimmertechneut') 

By the way, in 1986 Michail Gorbatsjov and Ronald Reagan started negotiations to get rid of nuclear weapons. Exactly at that time I started working in various roles as  employee, manager, entrepeneur, executive, shareholder and interim manager for leading companies.

Although I was basically educated as an engineer in electronics and telecommunications
I have worked most of my professional carreer in  Business Development, Sales and Executive roles . Next, I am also a Prince II Certified Project Manager (Practitioner Level). And last but not least; I have an healthty understanding of Finance, Backoffice and ICT.

Today the world is still not free of nukes, but success starts with respect, understanding, good preparation and hard work. And probably a bit of luck...

Klaus Buenk